Kannattota, a village situated in Kegalle, which was under the Seethawaka ruling, then the Kandyan ruling, was a farming village, named by the archeologists. Sagala garden where people of 3 ethnicities live, and katu-una pandura related to king rajasinghe I, Wangadimoala and Ganeakandha are some historical sites, close by Kannattota Sulaimaniya college.
With the advent of the Portugese, the muslims began to move from the west coast to the areas Napawala, Kannatota, Yatiyantota and Hemmathagama, seeking refuge in the Kandyan kingdom. With time, the above areas turned to muslims civilization. With the immigration of Mohammad Sali who was a 'muhaandiram' ( a title of honour during the colonial era ) of the Kandyan king, to kannatota, muslim population of Kannattota gradually increased with time. Mr. Sali built a Madrasa for culture purposes by the river side. Then the college was commenced with 115 students and Mr. Fransil as the headmaster in 1920. Until 1952 the school was running the madrasa building by the river side.
Usuman Lebbe, Mansoor wedhamahththaya, Momma Raheem, Junoon, and Leenaa Marikkar were some of the early studentswho got their education in Sulaimaniya and also Fransis, Krushnappillai, Kandhaiya, M.H.M Rasaak, Mansoor, Muththukkumar were principals of our school, until the school was displaced (to the current spot) in 1952.
In the time period of Mr. Issadeen the school held in the madrasa building was shifted to the current location, and a new building was built with the effort of the headmaster, parents and the old boys. By the utmost dedication of Mr. Ramasandiran of Kallar, S.S.C classes were started and Farook, Faleel, Shafeek and Jaufer was the first students who got through the examination, and then they were appointed for teaching in the same school. While Dr. Badiudeen was the educational minister of Sri Lanka, he payed a visit to the college commended on the school development, and replaced the name 'mixed school' (kalawan paadasaalai) as Sulaimaniya Central College which was an upgrade to the college.